Brenda Brickland

'Brenda has always been inspired by the beauty of her natural surroundings. Born and raised in rural Rangitikei (even living for a time in Mangaweka’s ‘Puha Palace’ made famous by Robin White’s painting), as a particularly visual; child she was constantly in awe of the way colours and shapes created feelings of connectedness to the natural world.

As an adult Brenda continues to be inspired by the raw beauty of New Zealand’s natural environs. Today Brenda lives primarily in Pukehina in the sunny Bay of Plenty, but also has strong links to the Coromandel and her second home of Whangamata.

Brenda has painted since her teens, but only started using acrylic as her primary medium three years ago and continues to produce the majority of her work in this medium now. She is predominantly drawn to painting New Zealand coastal scenes (but not exclusively), inspired by her coastal surroundings and her particular interest in the relationship between light and water.'